Technical assistance to public discussions on finance plan, draft budget and fiscal policies on all levels of the budget system

Client: Noncommercial Foundation for Enterprise Restructuring and Financial Institutions Development (FER)
Project Manager: Dr. Elena Andreeva, Academic Director, CFP
Beginning date: October 10, 2008
The Project is implemented in consotrium with the 'Prognoz' company

The project's goals (as concerning the CFP):

  • development of legislative and methodological materials on increasing transparency of budgets of the Russian budget system on the basis of international experience and current state of these budgets,

  • development of measusres to transform federal budget into the form of program budget; development of an example of transparent and performance-based budget,

  • development of legislative, methodological and procedure basis for implementation of sectorial and long-term target programs,

  • assistance in implementation of information policy of the Ministry of Finance.